Miyerkules, Setyembre 17, 2014

Families of Musical Instruments

Families of Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are grouped into families based on how they make sounds. In an orchestra, musicians sit together in these family groupings. But not every instrument fits neatly into a group.

Brass Family

Brass instruments are made of brass or some other metal and make sound when air is blown inside. The musician's lips must buzz, as though making a "raspberry" noise against the mouthpiece. Air then vibrates inside the instrument, which produces a sound.
Brass instruments include trumpettrombonetubaFrench horncornet, and bugle.

Percussion Family

Most percussion instruments make sounds when they are hit, such as a drum or a tambourine. Others are shaken, such as maracas, and still others may be rubbed, scratched, or whatever else will make the instrument vibrate and thus produce a sound. 
Percussion instruments include drums, cymbals, triangle, chimes, tam tam, glockenspiel, timpani, bells, and xylophone.

String Family

Yes, the sounds of string instruments come from their strings. The strings may be plucked, as in a guitar or harp; bowed, as with a cello or a violin; or struck, as with a dulcimer. This creates a vibration that causes a unique sound.
Stringed instruments include the violinviolacello, bass, harp, and dulcimer.

Woodwind Family

Woodwind instruments produce sound when air (wind) is blown inside. Air might be blown across an edge, as with a flute; between a reed and a surface, as with a clarinet; or between two reeds, as with a bassoon. The sound happens when the air vibrates inside.
Woodwind instruments include flutepiccoloclarinetrecorderbassoon, and oboe.

Keep Calm and Eat Veggies :)

Eat less CRAP and eat more FOOD! :)


"Painting is by nature a luminous language." - Robert Delaunay

"Like emotions, colours are a reflection of life." - Janice Glennaway

"Colour is fun, colour is just plain gorgeous, a gourmet meal for the eye, the window of the soul." - Rachel Wolf.

"To draw is to make a shape and movement in time." - Stuart Davis

"The child is really an artist, and the artist should be like a child, but he should not stay a child. He must become an artist. That means he cannot permit himself to become sentimental or something like that. He must know what he is doing" - Hans Hofmann

Martes, Setyembre 16, 2014


The building blocks or ingredients of art.

SPACE- the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things

FORM- a 3-dimensional objects, or something in a 2-dimensional artwork that appears to be 3-dimensional.

SHAPE- an enclosed area defined and determined by other art elements; 2-dimensional.

VALUE- the lightness or darknessof a color.

LINE- a mark with length and direction. a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point.

COLOR- consist of hue (another word for color). intensity(brightness), and value (lightness or darkness).

TEXTURE- the surface quality or "feel" of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. textures maybe actual or implied.